Hi, I’m jaymie kuhl.

I’m a traditional birth doula in Orange County, California. My heart is for serving and protecting women and babies.

My passion for birth started with my desire for a peaceful birth experience with my second son and has become a divine calling to help other women achieve a beautiful, empowered birth.

My first birth lacked preparation and a proper support system and ended with an unplanned, traumatic cesarean section. Thus, I spent my entire second pregnancy educating myself about labor and birth and was able to have my dream birth at home with my amazing birth team. My doulas played a key role in my successful HBAC, which inspired me to become that support for other women.

It is 100% my bias that birth works best when it is undisturbed by unnecessary interventions and when the mother has full authority. Birth is such a precious gift that we have the honor of receiving as women, and thus, is worth experiencing to the fullest. There is no better opportunity to surrender, trust, feel, grow, heal, transform.

For several years, I have been going through the motions of what I thought I was supposed to do for a career: go to college, get an office job, etc. Immediately after my second birth, I started leaning into my intuition and embracing the path that God has set before me. I now have no desire for a career that is anything less than magical. Queue birth work. :) 

Read more about my story in my feature with Voyage LA: Exploring Life and Business with Jaymie Kuhl of Resolute Birth.

Hi, I’m danielle burns.

I’m passionate about health, fitness, and mommas’ well-being. I am a huge advocate for women listening to their own intuition and being well informed about birth. I believe women’s bodies are amazing, and they innately know what is right for their birth story and their baby’s health.

I come from a holistic world of health and grew up outside the western medical model of healthcare. My grandfather and my mother were both chiropractors, and I followed their footsteps into non traditional medicine to become a third generation chiropractor. I have practiced on and off for seven years but found new depth to my passion following the birth of my son.

I gave birth to my son at home despite my husband’s reservations, and it was the most amazing and challenging experience that transformed our family. The journey was tough at times but having Jaymie, my doula, by my side, made the experience secure and safe. She coached me through the entire process which put me at ease. I knew, once I recovered from the birth, I wanted to inform and empower other women about their innate intelligence and ability to heal themselves and to do amazing things. It is truly an honor to encourage other women through one of life’s most transformative moments.